
Picking the Best Tech to Ensure Oil and Gas Volume Accuracy from Field to Balance Sheet

The digital oilfield ecosystem has never been bigger with the breadth and depth of software solutions continuing to expand. Volumetrics is a microcosm of this larger digital ecosystem, represented by myriad types of software such...
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Maximize Your Margins with Hydrocarbon Accounting, Measurement, and SCADA in Harmony

Oil & gas volumetrics is a machine with many moving parts. Like a digital gathering system, it all starts at the wellhead where data begins flowing, either from automated supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)...
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Why Oil & Gas Producers Must Up Their Volumetrics Game to Avoid Leaving Money on the Table

When it comes to oil & gas volumetrics, we live in a nonprecise world. Crude oil storage tanks expand with the sun’s heat, dints in a hauler change its actual volume, and natural gas imbalances...
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Thriving in the Digital Oilfield Part 4: Cash Flow Consistency

Thriving in the Digital Oilfield Part 4: Cash Flow Consistency By Brad Hext, Information Technology Service Manager at Stonebridge Consulting   Booking oil & gas revenue is just one side to an E&Ps financials, the...
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Thriving in the Digital Oilfield – Part 3: Implementation Anxiety

Thriving in the Digital Oilfield Part 3: Implementation Anxiety By Brad Hext, Information Technology Service Manager at Stonebridge Consulting   Software is mission critical in the digital oilfield and with about 30 discrete business processes...
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Thriving in the Digital Oilfield Part 2: Data Dilemma

Thriving in the Digital Oilfield Part 2: Data Dilemma By Brad Hext, Information Technology Service Manager at Stonebridge Consulting   Software-as-a-Service, or SaaS, has been transformative for oil & gas companies, enabling teams to reduce...
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Thriving in the Digital Oilfield

Thriving in the Digital Oilfield – Part 1: IT Mission Impossible By Brad Hext, Information Technology Service Manager at Stonebridge Consulting The digital oilfield didn’t happen overnight. Like a physical gathering system, the digital pipelines...
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Is RPA Right for Your Organization? Try This Self-Assessment

Robotic process automation (RPA) gets a lot of attention these days. In fact, there is so much information floating around the internet, you can get downright overwhelmed on where to start. My objective today is...
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Photo by Kevin Ku from Pexels

What’s a Bot to Do: There Is No Such Thing as Too Much Automation

One good thing about going through challenging times is that it offers the opportunity to look at the daily operations of an organization. And I mean really look. Because when you do, it’s hard not...
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